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New Orleans

PhD student Tanya Gulliver featured in radio documentary on disaster response and mental health

PhD student Tanya Gulliver featured in radio documentary on disaster response and mental health

PhD student Tanya Gulliver was interviewed by freelance documentary producer Tina Pittaway in The Day the Water Died, a documentary about how people in Louisiana and Alabama are dealing with the combined psychological fallout and stress of Hurricane Katrina and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster. CBC's The Current featured the documentary June 9: With […]

Glendon Professor Raymond Mougeon joins $2.5M-project to study North American francophones

Glendon Professor Raymond Mougeon joins $2.5M-project to study North American francophones

The way French is spoken in places as diverse as Gatineau, Shediac and New Orleans can tell us a lot about how francophone communities evolved in North America, and it's the subject of a major study beginning at the University of Ottawa, wrote the Ottawa Citizen March 17: The $2.5-million project is led by Francine […]