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Pablo Idahosa

Video: Professor Pablo Idahosa talks World Cup football on The Agenda

Professor Pablo Idahosa, director of the African Studies Program at York, was a guest on TVO’s The Agenda June 11 to discuss the World Cup’s global impact and importance beyond the stadium’s walls. The segment runs 28 minutes. Pablo Idahosa is a social science professor in York’s Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies. Posted […]

Professor Pablo Idahosa: Canadian World Cup fans shift allegiances as tournament unfolds

The quadrennial World Cup that kicks off Friday may be the planet’s biggest excuse for a party, and Canadians will be joining in with gusto, wrote The Canadian Press June 10 in a story picked up by the Guelph Mercury, and the Times & Transcript (Moncton): With its ethnic diversity and soccer-crazy immigrants, cities […]