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Professor Andrea O'Reilly's new anthology challenges motherhood stereotypes

Professor Andrea O'Reilly's new anthology challenges motherhood stereotypes

Invisimomibility? Mamazon? If these terms aren’t familiar to you, the concepts should be, according to a new book edited by a York University professor. The 21st Century Motherhood Movement: Mothers Speak Out on Why We Need to Change the World and How to Do It, released this week, is touted as the first anthology of […]

Want compassinate sons? Professor Raymond Mar says get them reading novels

Want compassinate sons? Professor Raymond Mar says get them reading novels

If you follow the advice below, chances are, your son will turn into the kind of man you want him to be, wrote May 11, in a story about parenting advice for mothers: Encourage him to read novels. Ongoing studies at York University [by psychology Professor Raymond Mar and colleagues in the Faculty of […]

Professor Christine Jonas-Smith premieres film on families living with perinatal loss

Professor Christine Jonas-Smith premieres film on families living with perinatal loss

York nursing Professor Christine Jonas-Simpson has always been keenly interested in loss and grief, how people experience it and how they integrate it into their lives in a continuing way. It was while doing research on daughters who had lost their mothers to Alzheimer’s disease that Jonas-Simpson experienced what she calls “the deepest loss of my […]

Professor Alison Macpherson calls OHF's bodychecking ban a great first step

Professor Alison Macpherson calls OHF's bodychecking ban a great first step

The Ontario Hockey Federation's decision to ban bodychecking will likely draw more players to the game and keep others from dropping out, wrote The Canadian Press May 6 (via Global Toronto): The federation is making the change – which affects players between the ages of 6 and 21 – in an effort to create a […]

Professor Christine Jonas Simpson transforms son's stillbirth into groundbreaking research

Professor Christine Jonas Simpson transforms son's stillbirth into groundbreaking research

Stillbirths claim more lives each year than HIV-AIDS and malaria combined When Christine Jonas-Simpson’s son Ethan was born, there was an eerie quiet in the delivery room, and then a piercing wail, wrote The Globe and Mail's Andre Picard April 13. “The only cry I heard was my own,” she said somberly. Ethan was dead, […]

Professor Rebecca Riddell takes infant pain research to CIHR's Café scientifique

Professor Rebecca Riddell takes infant pain research to CIHR's Café scientifique

Not so long ago, many in the medical profession thought infants didn’t feel pain, and whether it was a heel prick or open heart surgery, pain relief was not required. York psychology Professor Rebecca Pillai Riddell (BA Spec. Hons. '96), had a different take – that infants did experience pain and it was important to figure out […]

York study of parents and loss receives international attention

York study of parents and loss receives international attention

One of the toughest challenges a parent faces when a child dies is to learn how to parent the surviving children, and the task begins immediately, according to York University psychology Professor Stephen Fleming, wrote the Times of India and other newspapers and websites in the US and South Asia Feb. 16: From the moment […]

How do you keep parenting after one child dies? Professor Stephen Fleming's guide for counsellors

How do you keep parenting after one child dies? Professor Stephen Fleming's guide for counsellors

One of the toughest challenges a parent faces when a child dies is to learn how to parent the surviving children – and the task begins immediately, according to York University psychology Professor Stephen Fleming. From the moment their child dies, parents are faced with the two extremes of loss and life – the suffocating […]

Are best friends bad for your kid? Professor Debra Pepler on best friends and bullying

Are best friends bad for your kid? Professor Debra Pepler on best friends and bullying

Some schools are discouraging close friendships in the hopes of preventing bullying, wrote Diane Peters in Jan. 26: It’s not that concerned educators are “out to get” best friends. But they are trying to nudge close pals apart a little bit, so that they don’t become too insular. Twosomes can turn into threesomes, and […]

LaMarsh Centre brings Professor Marc Bornstein to York for positive parenting talk

LaMarsh Centre brings Professor Marc Bornstein to York for positive parenting talk

Marc Bornstein, senior investigator and head of Child & Family Research at the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development in Washington, DC, will talk about positive parenting Wednesday as part of the Faculty of Health’s LaMarsh Speaker Series. The talk, “Positive Parenting and Positive Development in Children” will take place Wednesday, Nov. 17, […]