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Research & Innovation

Glendon College celebrates research in public affairs and languages

On Thursday, Nov. 8, Glendon College in conjunction with the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation, will host a festival of research highlighting Glendon’s strengths in public affairs and languages. The Principal’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Research will also be presented at the event. “Glendon College is renowned for offering a bilingual education across a […]

York researcher receives Boehringer Ingelheim Young Investigator Award

Arturo Orellana, professor of chemistry in the Faculty of Science & Engineering, is the recipient of a $60,000 Boehringer Ingelheim Young Investigator Award for Organic Chemistry, awarded in the amount of $20,000 per year over three years. “On behalf of the York research community, I would like to congratulate Professor Arturo Orellana on his receipt […]

Knowledge Mobilization documents best practices for clear language research summaries

When it comes to conveying the important research to the broader community, clear language summaries are the best choice, this according to a new article published in the peer-reviewed journal, Scholarly & Research Communications. Led by David Phipps (left), executive director of research & innovation services, and colleagues from York’s Knowledge Mobilization Unit (KMb), the group put pen to […]

Strategic Research Plan consultation survey accessible online

Want to have your say about the development of York’s new Strategic Research Plan? Vice-President Research & Innovation Robert Haché invites the York University community to share their thoughts and perceptions with respect to research at York by participating in an online survey as part of the broader consultation process. The data gathered will help […]

Strategic Research Plan consultation workshops underway

Workshops, accessible to all members of the York community are currently underway throughout October and into November across the Keele and Glendon campuses, to engage the research community in examining York’s core values with respect to research, probing researcher perceptions and seeking to prioritize commitments regarding the support of research. Two workshops were recently held providing an opportunity […]

Two York professors elected to the RSC

The achievements of two York University professors have been recognized by the Royal Society of Canada (RSC), which has inducted them as Fellows. Carl E. James, professor, in the Faculty of Education and Director, York Centre for Education & Community, and Norman Yan, professor in the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and a core […]