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Sheila Cote-Meek

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation panel explores reconciliation in action

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation panel explores reconciliation in action

The panel focused on reconciliation in action and was the University’s keynote event leading into a full day of activities created for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The day concluded with a symbolic evening illumination in orange light of the Ross Building on the Keele Campus and the Glendon Manor on the Glendon […]

An update on the work of the President’s Advisory Council on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

An update on the work of the President’s Advisory Council on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

La version française suit la version anglaise. Dear colleagues, We are excited to share some important updates on the work of the President’s Advisory Council on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), and to explain how York community members can support our efforts to make York University a more diverse, inclusive and equitable place for all.  […]