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Fine arts professors' plays pack a political punch

Fine arts professors' plays pack a political punch

Faculty of Fine Arts professors are bringing three plays to Canadian stages this week – each packing a political punch. The thought-provoking plays tackle the Rwandan genocide, the Canadian election and the untraceable ghost population of the city of Whitehorse. A catalyst for dialogue and healing is York film Professor Colleen Wagner’s Governor General’s Award-winning play The Monument. […]

Yonge Street covers Professor Nancy Nicol's SSHRC-funded global gender identity discrimination project

Yonge Street covers Professor Nancy Nicol's SSHRC-funded global gender identity discrimination project

Toronto helped lead the world in its embrace of diversity when the first same-sex couple to be legally married in North America was wed here in 2003. That local tradition of re-examining legal attitudes to gender issues will carry on as York University Professor Nancy Nicol [Faculty of Fine Arts] has received $1 million in […]

Researchers, presenters to explore how artists can reduce their carbon footprints April 20-22

Researchers, presenters to explore how artists can reduce their carbon footprints April 20-22

Artists of all stripes from around the world are reducing their carbon footprint in creative ways. Many prominent ones – including the Cirque de Soleil’s Gil Favreau – are coming to York this month to share how at a conference on sustainability and the arts. Hosted by York’s Faculty of Fine Arts, Staging Sustainability: Arts, […]

Osgoode faculty discuss global legal challenges in India

Osgoode faculty discuss global legal challenges in India

Eight faculty members of York’s Osgoode Hall Law School recently visited India, where they continued a conversation with their counterparts that began last year on governance in a rapidly globalizing world and the impact on social justice, human rights, international trade and foreign investment, and environmental law. Right: Professor Sanjeev Purshotam Sahni (left), head of […]

York-led global project to examine criminalization of sexual orientation

York-led global project to examine criminalization of sexual orientation

Nancy Nicol’s team receives $1 million to study LGBT human rights around the world York University visual arts professor Nancy Nicol will lead a major international project on the impact of criminalizing sexual orientation and gender identity, with $1 million in funding over five years from the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). […]

SSHRC-funded study: Military kids under stress, isolated, depressed

SSHRC-funded study: Military kids under stress, isolated, depressed

Teens in military families are often burdened by additional emotional stress when a parent is deployed to Afghanistan, according to a new Canadian study, wrote March 25: Researchers from the University of New Brunswick, the University of Alberta, Ryerson University, and York University released the findings of their groundbreaking research on Thursday that examined […]

Homegrown effort to end homelessness leads international network

Homegrown effort to end homelessness leads international network

Stephen Gaetz, a leading Canadian homeless researcher based at York University's Faculty of Education, was interviewed by the Calgary Herald March 21 in a story about an international homelessness conference held in United States: The Calgary Homeless Foundation has taken a leadership role in bringing together an international network dedicated to ending homelessness worldwide. Foundation […]

Glendon Professor Raymond Mougeon joins $2.5M-project to study North American francophones

Glendon Professor Raymond Mougeon joins $2.5M-project to study North American francophones

The way French is spoken in places as diverse as Gatineau, Shediac and New Orleans can tell us a lot about how francophone communities evolved in North America, and it's the subject of a major study beginning at the University of Ottawa, wrote the Ottawa Citizen March 17: The $2.5-million project is led by Francine […]

SSHRC-funded Remembering Radio project seeks Canadian research volunteers

SSHRC-funded Remembering Radio project seeks Canadian research volunteers

Calling all 78-year-olds – and better. A team of researchers from York University in Toronto would like Langley residents aged 78 and over to tune into their research on radio, wrote March 15: [Fourth-year undergraduate student] Aidan Moir is one of the research assistants working on the Remembering Radio project with Professor Anne MacLennan […]

Research Accounting posts important deadlines for principal investigators

Research Accounting posts important deadlines for principal investigators

If you are a researcher or an administrator of a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Canada Research Chair (CRC) or Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) grant, there are a number of upcoming important deadlines. Research Accounting is planning its process for financial […]