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York-led research projects and graduate students awarded more than $19.5 million from SSHRC and partners

York-led research projects and graduate students awarded more than $19.5 million from SSHRC and partners

Five York-led research partnerships have received $14.3 million through the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Grants program, Partnership Development Grants program and partnership contributions from external research partners participating in the projects. In addition, more than $5.2 million was awarded to 145 York master’s and doctoral students to support scholarships and fellowships from […]

York Senate approves the University's new strategic research plan

York Senate approves the University's new strategic research plan

After eight months of consultation with the community, as well as internal and external research partners, the York Senate has unanimously approved the University’s new strategic research plan, "Building on Strength". “York’s new strategic research plan commits to building research on our strengths and provides a strong aspirational vision for the development and recognition of York’s […]

York prof president of Royal Canadian Institute

York prof president of Royal Canadian Institute

University Professor Emeritus Ronald Pearlman of York’s Faculty of Science & Engineering has been named president of the prestigious Royal Canadian Institute (RCI) for the Advancement of Science. Pearlman, currently first-vice-president of the RCI, is the director of York’s Core Molecular Biology/DNA Sequencing Facility and former dean and associate dean of York’s Faculty of Graduate […]

2012 Ernest C. Mercier Lecture in Entrepreneurial Science

2012 Ernest C. Mercier Lecture in Entrepreneurial Science

    Janusz A. Koziński, dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Dezsö J. Horváth, dean, Schulich School of Business, and Eileen Mercier cordially invite you to the annual Ernest C. Mercier Lecture in Entrepreneurial Science on Wednesday, May 9, 2012. This event, titled "Me, Myself and My Network: The Importance of Collaboration to Entrepreneurship in […]

Work by rising stars in visual arts added to Sarick collection

Work by rising stars in visual arts added to Sarick collection

The Faculty of Fine Arts has acquired two more works by recent graduates of the MFA Program in Visual Arts for its Samuel Sarick Purchase Award Collection of contemporary Canadian art. Jaime Angelopoulos’ large-format drawing, Thief, and Julieta Maria’s four-minute digital video, Soil, are now part of this outstanding collection of works created by then-emerging artists, reflecting  the […]

interPLAY symposium explores the link between creativity and information

interPLAY symposium explores the link between creativity and information

"interPLAY: between creativity & information" is the intriguing title of a one-day symposium at York University that is dedicated to exploring and challenging definitions of “information” from a diversity of perspectives. Hosted by the York University Libraries, interPLAY will take place Monday, March 26, from 9am to 7pm, in the Senate Chamber, 940 South Ross Building, and […]

Higher ed, technology and environmental action in spotlight at TEDxYorkU

Higher ed, technology and environmental action in spotlight at TEDxYorkU

York University will celebrate great ideas on Saturday at the second annual TEDxYorkU event. TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conferences began in 1984 in Silicon Valley as a way for tech employees to share their ideas and innovations. TEDxYorkU, which is organized independently of TED, will include talks by 11 members of the York community. […]

ABEL Leadership Summit to focus on change and creating learning cultures

ABEL Leadership Summit to focus on change and creating learning cultures

The Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning (ABEL) program at York University will host its third annual Leadership Summit on Friday, Feb. 10. This year’s theme is “Leadership to Engage Change and Achieve New Learning Cultures”. The summit will bring together education leaders (administrators, superintendents, principals, deans, faculty, teacher-leaders), private and not-for-profit sector leaders for a dialogue and discussion […]

Canadian icon talks about the tragedy of child soldiers

Canadian icon talks about the tragedy of child soldiers

A Canadian icon of humanitarianism urged Glendon students to “get your boots dirty” by working in a developing country and experiencing what life is like for 80 per cent of humanity, as he delivered Glendon's annual John W. Holmes Memorial Lecture. Right: Dallaire speaks to a standing-room only crowd in Glendon's lecture hall Lieutenant-General Romeo […]

Educators from across Canada learn about classroom technologies at ABEL Summer Institute

Educators from across Canada learn about classroom technologies at ABEL Summer Institute

About 150 educators from across Canada converged on York recently to learn new technology tools and best practices to enhance their teaching. They were attending the 10th annual ABEL (Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning) Summer Institute Aug. 22 to 24. The theme this year was Connected Community Learning: The Next Decade. For two-and-a-half days, they heard speakers […]