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VPRI finalizes Plan for Intensification and Enhancement of Research

Vice-President Research & Innovation Robert Haché has released the finalized York University Plan for the Intensification and Enhancement of Research (PIER), which provides a framework for the engagement of individuals, units and Faculties in growing the intensification of research, scholarship and related creative activity at York University as part of the Institution Integrated Resource Planning process (IIRP).

Robert Haché

Robert Haché

“I would like to thank the PIER working group and the entire York University community for providing invaluable feedback and contributions to the PIER consultation draft over the 2015-2016 academic year,” said Haché. “The broadly based engagement in and response to York’s Plan for the Intensification & Enhancement of Research will play a leading role in growing the research culture at York and the intensification of our research, scholarship and related creative activities.”

The release of the finalized PIER follows extensive University-wide consultations with faculty, staff and students. These consultations included a second round following the release of the draft Plan in March 2016, preparatory to the finalization of the Plan, during which the VPRI conducted over 20 site visits with members of Faculties and units across the University to gather their feedback.

A Community Chat and an Open Forum were also hosted, where all members of the York University community were invited to share their views on the draft Plan. Members of the York community also provided their feedback to the draft Plan online.

PIER includes 21 recommendations to strengthen the University’s research enterprise across five thematic areas. PIER is informed by the University’s Strategic Research Plan, Building on Strength. The development of PIER was guided by a working group comprised of members of the York community drawn from across the University.

The PIER recommendations are intended to build upon the basic supports that are available to all researchers at York University for their pursuit of research, scholarship and related creative activity. The recommendations are varied, and cover academic, administrative and support needs. The importance of local engagement and action was highlighted throughout the conversations around PIER, and is a core principle of the plan.

The recommendations are clustered according to five broad areas:

  • Growing a Culture of Scholarly Inquiry
  • Investing In & Promoting People
  • Supporting Research Growth & Development
  • Leadership in Research & Research Advocacy
  • Building Research for the Future

For more information, and to read and download the final PIER, please visit the PIER website.