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Connected Minds Membership


New technologies are revolutionizing society, creating a 'techno-social collective' where humans and intelligent technologies are deeply interconnected. While such advances present exciting opportunities, they also present significant risks, especially for vulnerable and/or marginalized populations. The Connected Minds Program –supported by the Canada Research Excellence Fund, York and Queens’ Universities, and our many partners from multiple sectors—envisions a world where breakthroughs in technology promote social health and justice for all, with special focus on Indigenous Peoples in Canada. For further details, see:

The long-term goals of this program are to 1) understand how the interplay of humans and intelligent technologies produces unexpected, emergent properties at the community/whole society levels, 2) predict how new technologies will disrupt the techno-social collective, and 3) use these predictions to drive new research and technology development.

As such, we expect all funded initiatives and awards to contribute towards the long-term goals of our program.



In order to achieve Connected Minds’ aims and goals, our position is that one must understand 1) humans, 2) intelligent technologies, and 3) how they interact at social levels. It is our strategy to integrate expertise across the three pillars, defined below:

This encompasses expertise in areas related to the Social Sciences, Humanities, Arts, Indigenous Studies, Education, Policy, and Law relevant to the goals of understanding how humans and intelligent technologies interact in our evolving techno-social collectives. Fields of study may include social psychology, cultural anthropology, architecture, engineering, rehabilitation sciences, technoscience, linguistics, philosophy (e.g., ethics, philosophy of mind), digital media, performance, community health and health services, law (e.g., IP, regulatory, human rights), policy (e.g., health, guidelines for technology development).

This encompasses expertise in human neuroscience, and related behavioural and clinical sciences (e.g. rehabilitation therapy, nursing, medicine) relevant to the biological, cognitive, social and behavioural aspects of the human side of human-machine interactions. Specific examples may include social, cognitive (perception, attention, memory, action, language), developmental and computational neuroscience/psychology, as well as study of dysfunction in these processes in disciplines such as neuropsychology, psychiatry, and neurology. This also may involve the use of non-human species as models for human neuroscience and behaviour.

This encompasses expertise in computer science, engineering and the sciences that contribute to the theory and application of intelligent technologies that interact with human beings to form techno-social collectives. Examples include research in areas such as network science, data science, AI, human-computer interaction, signal theory, digital communications, computer vision. robotics, autonomous vehicles, large language models, virtual and augmented reality, brain-machine interfaces, and data sovereignty and stewardship.


Note that most Connected Minds funding programs (including all research grants and training awards) require transdisciplinary academic collaboration, multisector collaboration, with emphasis on co-creation.

Here are some simple rules for co-creation in our program:

  1. Horizontal’ co-creation: All Connected Minds research and training projects must engage at least one internal advisor/collaborator and external collaborator to bring transdisciplinary expertise and perspective to the project. These collaborators must be involved in both the planning and execution of the project. Internal collaborators/advisors must come from a different Expertise Pillar (see above) than the principal investigator/ supervisor and (unless strongly justified) should not come from the same academic unit. 
  2. Vertical’ co-creation. Any applied project that aims to influence or affect a non-academic community, i.e., through policy, practice or technology, must engage members of the target community in the design, implementation and evaluation of the project, and seek feedback from these communities at each step.
  3. The choice of these collaborators, advisors and partners should be clearly justified in terms of their expertise, role, and the specific goals of the project.


Connected Minds was founded by 10 York and Queen’s Research Centres, chosen to provide the foundation of resources and expertise needed to mount this program. The initial Connected Minds membership was recruited from these groups, specifically the York Centres for Artificial Intelligence and Society, Indigenous Knowledges and Languages, Integrative and Applied Neuroscience, Digital Arts and Technology, Vision Research, and Institute for Technoscience and Society; Queen’s Centres for Neuroscience Studies, Health Innovation, Ingenuity Labs Research Institute, and Health Services and Policy Research Institute, along with researchers representing specific equity deserving groups (Black, Indigenous). Researchers from these groups can continue to apply through our web portal.


You must be a member of any of the below listed research centres/institutes, or are a faculty member at Osgoode Hall Law School or Schulich School of Business, and/or identify as a Black or Indigenous scholar.

From York: Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Society, Centre for Indigenous Knowledges and Languages, Centre for Integrative and Applied Neuroscience, Institute for Technoscience and Society, Sensorium, Centre for Vision Research, VISTA

From Queen's: Centre for Neuroscience Studies, Centre for Health Innovation, Ingenuity Labs Research Institute, Health Services and Policy Research Institute


Application for membership must be submitted through the MachForm link provided below.

You will be asked to:

  • Upload a copy of your CV.
  • Indicate which of the above research centres/institutes you are a member of and/or if you identify as a Black or Indigenous scholar.
  • List 3 keywords/phrases that describe your area(s) of interest.


Connected Minds now seeks to recruit additional York and Queen's faculty who do not fall within the phase 1 categories but whose research aligns with the long-term goals of the Connected Mind program (see above). New members must hold an academic appointment and are eligible to hold grants, should show promise of or demonstrate research excellence, and provide strategic strengths for the program. Specifically, 1) expertise within at least one of the pillars described above 2) a record of transdisciplinary research, 3) a strong interest in collaborating with members from other CM pillars and external partners and 4) dedication to research and training that will further the specific goals of the Connected Minds Program. Preference may be given to researchers who can add strengths that are missing from the current membership.


You must be nominated by a registered member of Connected Minds.


Application for membership must be submitted through the MachForm link provided below.

You will be asked to:

  • Upload a copy of your CV.
  • List 3 keywords/phrases that describe your area(s) of interest.
  • Describe how your academic credentials fit within the Connected Minds mandate.
  • Describe what your expected/proposed contributions to Connected Minds will be.
  • Describe what benefits you anticipate from being part of Connected Minds.
  • Complete a self-identification survey.

In addition to the above, the Connected Minds member supporting your application must email a signed letter of support/nomination directly to

We review Phase 2 membership applications quarterly. The next review cycle deadline is April 4, 2025, with the review process taking place in mid-April.



Accepted (registered) members are eligible for any of the funding opportunities on our web-site and will have enhanced access to collaborations with both Connected Minds members and partners. Note that registered members are expected to attend our full-member events (conferences, retreats) and participate in our administration if called upon, funded members are also required to participate in our annual reporting to CFREF.

Registered Connected Minds members can now nominate individuals to join the program as Affiliate Members. These new members will gain access to funding opportunities, collaborative projects across Connected Minds' pillars, and engage in interdisciplinary research aligned with the program's long-term goals. This initiative aims to foster effective and meaningful partnerships, amplifying the reach and impact of our work.


To nominate a faculty member external to York University and Queen’s University for an Affiliate Membership with Connected Minds, please ensure the nominees meet the following criteria: 

  • Currently undertaking active research with one of our current members that meets a high level of excellence and aligns with the Connected Minds mandate.
  • The nomination is supported by a current Connected Minds Member. 
  • The nominee demonstrates a history of, or a current strong interest in collaborating with Connected Minds Core Members.
  • The nominee must be willing to submit reports as needed to meet our CFREF requirements. 

Nominations must be submitted through the MachForm link provided below.

You will be asked to:

  • Upload a copy of your CV.
  • Upload a one page letter of interest from the nominee
    • Please include the following in your letter:
      1. Nominee name, title, department, institution, and email address
      2. Connected Minds Member Supporting/Nominating the nomination
      3. Briefly describe your research and how it aligns with the Connected Minds Goals 
      4. Describe any previous, ongoing or planned collaborations with current Connected Minds members, current or potential Connected Minds academic, public sector or private sector partners. 
  • Upload a letter of support/nomination from one Connected Minds Core Member [this letter should provide a rationale for the nomination, explain how the applicant’s work fits within the program, and highlight the contributions the nominee can bring to enhance the Connected Minds program]
  • Complete a voluntary self-identification survey from nominee.