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Become a Student or Post-Doctoral Associate

GLRC Student and Post-Doctoral Associate Form

The GLRC's research and activities are informed by six major themes. Which of our major themes are you most interested in pursuing during your time of Association with the GLRC? You may choose more than one.(Required)
Please select your main reasons for becoming an Associate of the GLRC. You may choose more than one.(Required)
The GLRC is pleased to offer Student and Postdoc Associates opportunities to contribute to the centre. Please select any that you are interested in.(Required)
The GLRC is pleased to assist Student and Postdoc Associates in additional capacities as listed below. Please select any that you are interested in.(Required)
Please indicate whether you would like to be added to the GLRC Mailing List to receive a weekly newsletter and other information about events, news, grants, etc.(Required)