September 2024
- Macarena Bonhomme, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidad Autónoma de Chile, and GLRC Faculty Associate.
Find audio recording here.
September 25, 1:30pm - 3:00pm (EDT)
Kaneff Tower - Room 626 @ York University
Past, Present, and Future of Im/Migrant Labour in Canada
- Soma Chaterjee, Associate Professor, Social Work, York University, and GLRC Faculty Associate.
- Sultana R. Jahangir, South Asian Women and Immigrants’ Services.
- Mostafa Henaway, Immigrant Workers’ Centre.
- Christopher Sorio, Migrante Canada and GLRC Student Associate.
Find audio recordings here.
September 26, 2:30pm - 4:30pm (EDT)
Kaneff Tower - Room 626 @ York University
October 2024
Building Worker Power in Latin America: Possibilities and Challenges
- Jeffery R. Webber, Professor, Department of Politics, York University, and GLRC Faculty Associate – The Labour of Extraction in Latin America: Outlines of a Theoretical Approach.
- Chris Little, PhD candidate, Department of Politics, York University, and GLRC Student Associate – Transnational farmworker migration and class formation: notes from fieldwork between Guatemala and Ontario.
- Cirila Quintero, Professor and Researcher, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Border Studies Institute), Matamoros Campus – Mexico (will join via Zoom) – Unions and Workers in Mexico: between a New Labor Law and CUSMA.
- Viviana Patroni, Professor Emerita, Department of Social Science, York University, and GLRC Faculty Associate – Workers, worker organizing and the far right in Argentina.
Find audio recordings here.
October 24, 2:30pm - 4:30pm (EDT)
Ross building - Room S701 @ York University
November 2024
Labour Unions, Climate Action, and Just Transition
- Seth Klein – Director of Climate Emergency Strategy. Author of A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency
- Rebecca Keetch – Autoworker and Activist with Green Jobs Oshawa.
- John Clarke, – Former Ontario Coalition Against Poverty organizer and Packer Visitor in Social Justice at York University. Author, with Sarah Glynn, of Climate Change is a Class Issue.
Find audio recordings here and the video recording here.
November 21, 2:30pm - 4:30pm (EST)
December 2024
The Scandalous Rise of Inequality in Canada
(Keynote lecture at the 2024 GLRC Meet & Greet Luncheon)
- Lars Osberg, McCulloch Professor of Economics, Dalhousie University, and author of the The Scandalous Rise of Inequality in Canada (2024) and The Age of Increasing Inequality: The Astonishing Rise of Canada's 1% (2018), among other publications (joined via Zoom).
This event was be part of our 2024 Meet & Great Luncheon, which was held at York University. Professor Lars Osberg kicked off the event discussing (via Zoom) his new book The Scandalous Rise of Inequality in Canada. We continued the conversation over lunch talking about the work of the GLRC.
Find the audio recording here and the video recording here.
December 5, 12:00pm - 1:30pm
McLaughlin College - Room 140 @ York University
January 2025
Work, Platforms and Industrial Change in Italy
- Valeria Cirillo, University of Bari Aldo Moro.
- Lidia Greco, University of Bari Aldo Moro.
- Claudio Cozza, University of Naples Parthenope.
- Marco Marrone, University of Salento.
January 21, 10:00am -12:00pm (EST)
Registration: Please, click here to register for the event and receive the Zoom link.
February 2025
What is Antiracism? And Why it Means Anticapitalism (John Eleen Lecture)
- Arun Kundnani, author of What is Antiracism? (Verso, 2023), The Muslims are Coming! (Verso, 2014) and The End of Tolerance (Pluto, 2007), and former editor of the journal Race & Class.
Commentary: Abigail Bakan. Professor, Social Justice Education department at OISE, University of Toronto.
February 20, 9:00am - 10.30am (EST)
Kaneff Tower 519 @ York University
March 2025
- Tanner Mirrlees, Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Director of Communication and Digital Media Studies at Ontario Tech, and GLRC Faculty Associate.
March 6, 12:00pm -1:00pm (EST)
Registration: the link will be available soon.
Book launch: Against the People: How Ford Nation is Dismantling Ontario. Evans, B. and C. Fanelli, eds. (2025)
- Bryan Evans, Professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at Toronto Metropolitan University, and GLRC Faculty Associate.
- Carlo Fanelli, Associate Professor of Work and Labour Studies in the Department of Social Science and Interim Director of the Global Labour Research Centre at York.
Discussants: (to be defined)
March 20, 2:30pm - 4:30pm (EST)
/ (to be defined)