Funder: SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant
Principal Investigator: Katherine Nastovski (Assistant Professor, Work and Labour Studies, Department of Social Science)
Project Description:
“Re-Imagining Workers’ Education in the 21st Century” is the first phase of a longer-term community-engaged research partnership to re-imagine and expand radical worker education, that is, sites where education and organizing for change are inextricably linked (Cardona and Choudry 2019; Choudry and Vally 2017; Hlatshwayo 2018). Bringing together labour academics across multiple institutions and workers’ justice organizers within trade unions, workers’ collectives, workers’ centres, and community organizations, this project aims to collectively consider possibilities to assess and re- imagine worker education while building a sense of solidarity across our union, sectoral, and institutional divides.
The research is guided by three objectives:
(i) to map out the global historical models and pedagogies for engaging in radical workers’ education;
(ii) to collectively assess the needs and possibilities for expanding spaces for radical workers’ education; and,
(iii) to mobilize the research findings to support the partner organization assess, strengthen, and expand their existing work.