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Global Labour Research Centre

Submission Form for Pespectives

Perspectives are concise opinion pieces meant to spark public dialogue and encourage new ways of thinking on a range of work and labour related issues. These articles are meant to inform and promote labour perspectives in a manner that challenges the current state of knowledge in a particular field. (You can find more information about the GLRC's mandate and chore themes in the About section of GLRC's website).

I. Author information

This section concerns the corresponding author's information. If there is more than one author, please include the co-authors' information in the Notes section (at the bottom of this form).
Please provide your organization's address or website link. Alternatively, you can provide your personal address or website link.

II. Opinion piece

Perspectives are concise opinion pieces meant to spark public dialogue and encourage new ways of thinking on a range of work and labour related issues. These articles are meant to inform and promote labour perspectives in a manner that challenges the current state of knowledge in a particular field.
Word limit : 900 words (ideal extension: 700-900 words). References should be kept to a minimum and embedded (hyperlinked) in-text.

III. Notes (Optional)

If you have co-author(s), please include here their information: (i) Last name, first name, (ii) email address,(iii) affiliation (position, organization), (iv) address or website link (you can use their personal or work address).