The Survey Research Centre at ISR is a major employer of York undergraduate students, about 150 of whom are employed as part-time interviewers at any one time. The Survey Research Centre depends on commercial contracts with outside clients, mainly governmental and about one-quarter academic to sustain its operations. The SRC serves a niche market for higher quality focused on sample representativeness and response rates, and more academic surveys.
Telephone survey interviews, data entry, and survey-related clerical work are the responsibility of about 175 part-time employees (YUSA 2), the number varying according to the workload. In the main, most are York undergraduates and their composition reflects the extraordinary diversity of our student population. Over the period from 2010-2014, ISR employed approximately 800 part-time interviewers. To find out more information about ISR's telephone research position, call 416-650-8277.