We welcome inquiries from academics (and others) who are interested in visiting ITS for short and long periods of time, from a week to a year. Please contact the Director to make inquiries. Please click here to apply to become an ITS Visiting Scholar.
Visiting Scholars
Michael Richardson is a writer, researcher, and teacher living and working on Gadigal and Bidjigal country in Sydney, Australia. He is an Associate Professor in Media and Culture at the University of New South Wales, Australia, where he co-directs the Media Futures Hub and the Autonomous Media Lab, and an Associate Investigator with the ARC Centre of Excellence on Automated Decision-Making + Society (ADM+S). His research examines technology, power, witnessing, trauma, and affect in contexts of war, security, and surveillance. His latest book is Nonhuman Witnessing: War, Data, and Ecology after the End of the World (Duke University Press, 2024).
Visit: Feb-Aug 2025, Technoscientific Pasts & Futures Cluster, visit funded by the Connected Minds initiative
Susi Geiger is a Full Professor of Markets, Organizations and Society at University College Dublin, Ireland. Prof. Geiger’s expertise lies in the organization of markets, with a particular focus on pharmaceutical and data markets. Her current research focuses on issues of distributive justice and the collective good in these markets, for instance in issues of pricing, patenting, and access. She is the only female holder in an Irish Business School of a highly prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant: “MISFIRES and market innovation for the collective good” (2018-2024). Prof Geiger has held other prestigious grants in the past, including an EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie Global Fellowship. She was recently appointed as a member of the WHO Technical Advisory Group in pharmaceutical pricing. Prof. Geiger has been a Visiting Professor and Scholar at some of the most highly-ranked Universities globally, including the University of California Berkeley, Stockholm School of Economics, Ecole de Mines Paris, SciencesPo Paris, University of Auckland, and University of Vienna. Her work has been published widely in journals such as Organization Studies, Research Policy, Journal of Management Studies, Big Data & Society, Social Science & Medicine, Economy & Society, Journal of Cultural Economy, and many others. Her latest monograph entitled “Peak Pharma” will be published in early 2025.
Visit: June 2024, Technoscientific Bodies & Minds and Technoscientific Economies Clusters
Visiting PhD Students
Nicholas Surber is a Doctoral Student at the Division of Science, Technology and Society, attached to the Mistra Environmental Nanosafety project at Chalmers University, Sweden. He is particularly interested in understanding nanosafety in time and space, bridging the gap between environment, regulations, and society in Sweden and the EU. His work both informs and evaluates the debates on nanomaterials in natural science, environmental public health, and sociology of risk as well as analysing sustainability concerns throughout the life cycle from nanoscience to nanotechnology.
Visit: August-September 2023, Technoscientific Economies Cluster