The Korea Office for Research and Education (KORE) at YCAR hosted the U.S.-based BTAA (Big Ten Academic Alliance) e-School Korean Studies group in late August for their annual planning meeting.
“We had some very interesting conversations with the BTAA group and learned about their consortium of universities and Korean Studies course-sharing. It's a good model for us to consider," said KORE Director Ann Kim (Sociology).
The BTAA Korean Studies e-School is based at the University of Michigan’s Nam Center for Korean Studies and led by its current director, Youngju Ryu. The BTAA Korean Studies e-School group comprises 14 universities, and they utilize the consortium to share Korea-related courses across campuses in real time, using video conferencing technology. The program diversifies course offerings and expands enrollments in Korean Studies across the Midwest, while providing opportunities for collaboration in teaching and curricular development. It is funded by the Korea Foundation.
Top row: Hangtae Cho (University of Minnesota), Jae Won Chung (Rutgers University), Pil Ho Kim (Ohio State University), Charles Kim (University of Wisconsin), Sang-Seok Yoon (University of Iowa), Youngeun Kim (Michigan State University), Ikuho Amano (University of Nebraska), Song I No (Purdue University); Bottom row: Ahrong Lee (York University), Ann H. Kim (Yotrk Univeristy), Youngju Ryu (University of Michigan), Suyun Lee (University of Michigan, Nam Center for Korean Studies staff).