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A view into North Korea’s culture

TORONTO, May 10, 2022 – News about North Korea often focuses on the country’s politics and military, as do programs and courses offered at the post-secondary level, but there is much to learn about its art, music and culture, says York University public policy Professor Thomas Klassen. He has created a two-week summer program to address this […]

Summer school program on North Korean culture to start in May 2022

A new summer school program studying North Korean culture is in production and is set to be hosted at York. The summer program has been called the “first-of-its-kind” and allows students to study North Korean arts, literature, and propaganda. The program is set to start in May 2022 and will run for two weeks, coordinated by […]

Press Coverage: RFA 자유아시아 방송: 캐나다 대학, 내년 ‘북한 문화 여름계절학기’ 진행

앵커: 캐나다에 위치한 한 대학이 내년 여름 북한의 문화를 주제로 단기연수 프로그램을 진행한다고 밝혔습니다. 지정은 기자가 보도합니다.캐나다 동부 토론토에 위치한 요크대학교(York University)는 2일, 내년 5월 북한 문화에 대한 ‘서머스쿨’(여름계절학기)을 개최한다고 밝혔습니다.

Press Coverage: Groundbreaking summer school at York U will explore North Korean culture

Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS) public policy and administration studies Professor Thomas Klassen is co-ordinating the inaugural North Korea Summer School: Inside North Korean Literature, Art and Film. “The school is an extraordinary event for graduate and senior undergraduate students to explore North Korean literature, film, fine art and propaganda,” says Klassen, adding that to […]


토론토 요크대학교가 북한의 문학·미술·영화·선전 등 전반적 문화를 주내용으로한 서머스쿨을 연다. 내년 5월16일부터 2주에 걸쳐 진행되는 북한문화 서머스쿨은 토머스 클라센(사진: 위) 요크대 북한학 교수가 주관한다. 조지워싱턴대 임마누엘 김 교수와 북한 관련 다큐멘터리를 제작한 니콜라스 보너씨가 강사로 나서는 서머스쿨은 북한의 인기 현대작가 백남룡(사진: 아래)의 소설 ‘친구’를 읽고 검토한다.

Press Coverage: York students win prizes for multi-media collaborative projects with South Korean university

Students from York University and Chung-Ang University in Seoul, South Korea were given the opportunity to collaborate on multimedia projects focused on various social policies, including topics such as child and elder care, education, and student financial services. This opportunity was carried out to students by leaders Dr. Thomas Klassen, professor in the School of […]

Press Coverage: Students earn prizes for multi-media presentations on improving social policy

Undergraduate students at York University collaborated with students in Korea to produce multi-media presentations that make recommendations for improving social policies in both Canada and Korea. Students in Canada’s Social Policy (PPAS 3761) taught by Professor Thomas Klassen from the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LAPS) partnered with students taught by Professor Sophia Lee at Chung-Ang University in […]

Press Coverage: York University undergraduate students collaborate with students in Korea to study social policy

School of Public Policy and Administration Professor Thomas Klassen from the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LAPS) worked with Professor Sophia Lee at Chung-Ang University in Seoul, South Korea, to provide undergraduate students in their respective classes with a unique international learning opportunity. Klassen teaches Canada’s Social Policy (PPAS 3761) while Lee teaches a course on Social Security in Korea.

New Generation Korean 1

New Generation Korean 1 is designed for Korean language learners at the secondary and post-secondary education levels, and for independent self-study adult learners. It presents learning goals and best practice lessons developed by professors with extensive Korean language experience. With classroom-tested lessons, New Generation Korean 1 will guide students to effective and efficient learning of […]