Current Projects:
- Modeling studies of Climate, Environment and West Nile Virus A multi-phase project supported by PHAC, ERA, MITACS, GeoID and NSERC
- Regional climate modeling: Developing High-Resolution Probabilistic Climate Projections over Ontario.
A project supported by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. - The cost-effectiveness of West Nile virus intervention strategies. A computer simulation model.
Beate Sander and Huaiping Zhu
Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Operating Grant (2014-2017).
Projects proposed and supported by the CFI/OIT New Opportunity Funds [2005]
- Dynamical Disease Control and Early Warning System (EWS) for West Nile Virus in Ontario
- Capital Risk Management, Performance analysis and prediction in financial service industry
- Data mining, Machine Learning, Weighted likelihood inference
- Post-doctoral position in Climate Change modeling at LAMPS [Position filled]
Feb. 1, 2013 - Demonstration Workshop for the Delegation of Sichuan Provincial Health Department, CHINA
Nov. 19, 2012, York Lanes 305. - First Workshop on Modeling and Analysis of Environmental Impact on Tai Lake.
Nov. 10, 2012. Nanjing, China - Mosquito and West Nile risk forecasting for Peel Region 2012
- Mosquito Count Simulation for OntarioA web based simulation system developed by LAMPS
- Weekly Interdisciplinary Workshop onModeling Studies of Climate, Environment and West Nile Virus
- The 2010 Canada-China International Conference onThe Dynamics of Climate Impact on Infectious Diseases
- U50 Colloquium Series on Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Science
- Climate Consortium for Research Action Integration at York University