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Congratulations to the CREATE MTA trainees participating in the course project of ENG6600 Microsystem Design, supported by YMF.

Congratulations to the CREATE MTA trainees participating in the course project of ENG6600 Microsystem Design, supported by YMF.

Congratulations to the CREATE MTA trainees participating in the course project of ENG6600 Microsystem Design, supported by YMF. We are pleased to see that all participants have developed and demonstrated excellent microfabrication skills. In particular, we are thrilled to see successful prototypes pass validation and testing. The photo below shows a hotwire flow sensor (bottom) […]

CREATE MTA Annual Workshop

CREATE MTA Annual Workshop

The first CREATE MTA annual workshop will be held from May 1st to 3rd, 2023 on the Keele campus of York University. This annual workshop is jointly organised with four other ongoing NSERC CREATE programmes at York University. We welcome all CREATE MTA trainees, CoIs and partners to join us. Detailed information can be found […]