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Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies Annual Lecture and Collective Book Launch

Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies Annual Lecture and Collective Book Launch

In this series of lectures, prominent York scholars will provide their intellectual autobiographies, reflecting on their career in and contributions to the study of Canada.

This year Bettina Bradbury (history and women's studies, Glendon CollegeĀ and the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Profressional Studies), will present "Twists, Turning Points and Tall Shoulders: Studying Canada and feminist histories".

This event will also include York's first collective book launch for Canadian-themed publications by members of the University community. Come see the breadth of research on Canada conducted at York.

Join us on Wednesday October 24 in the Senate Chamber (9th floor North Ross Building) from 4 - 6 pm.

Everyone is welcome. A light reception will follow.

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