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"A LINC IN TIME": The Lincoln Alexander Story

"A LINC IN TIME": The Lincoln Alexander Story

A film produced and directed by Nicole Brooks. In his 87th year and the last known time in his own words, Lincoln Alexander gives an unedited account of his remarkable childhood, his entry into politics as the first black Member of Parliament in 1968, and his experiences as the first black Lieutenant Governor in Canada. The result is a film that pays tribute to Lincoln Alexander's triumphs,
obstacles, and tragedies creating a portrait of a man that is surprising, heartbreaking, often funny, but always inspiring. The
production of A Linc in Time, was fully funded by OMNI Television.
48 minutes

Wednesday March 20th, 2013 at 10:00am
Nat Taylor Cinema, N102 Ross Building
York University (Keele Campus)
Admission is Free!

The filmmaker, Nicole Brooks, will be in attendance and will give a short talk following the screening.
For further information, please contact Allyson Adley, 416.736.2100 ext. 88608,
