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A warm thank you from the Robarts Centre - Robarts 2016 Graduate Conference, "Canada: Homeland or Hostile Land?"

A warm thank you from the Robarts Centre - Robarts 2016 Graduate Conference, "Canada: Homeland or Hostile Land?"

The Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies would like to extend our deepest thanks to all the wonderfully talented and brilliant speakers and presenters, moderators, and attendees at the 2016 Robarts Centre Graduate Conference, "Canada: Homeland or Hostile Land?". This conference would not have been possible without your participation and we hope see you all again next year. There are plenty of photos available on the conference homepage, which will be posted here shortly - in the meantime, remember to check out all other photos with the hashtag #homelandorhostileland as well as our Twitter @robartscentre!

We would also like to extend a special thanks to our keynote speaker, Deborah McGregor, as well as the engaging discussion during our 4th Annual Lecture in Canadian Studies. Be sure to watch the video of her lecture, "The Truth and Reconciliation Commission and a New Reconciliation Proclamation: How far have we come?", available below. Please remember to view our previous lectures on the Robarts YouTube channel.

Last, but not least, a special thanks to the Department of Canadian Studies at York University, Glendon Campus, Department of Humanities, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, and Faculty of Graduate Studies at York University, Keele Campus for their sponsorship of the conference.