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New director at the Robarts Centre

New director at the Robarts Centre

Outgoing director, Colin Coates introduces Professor Gabrielle Slowey as the new director.

gsloweyIt gives me great pleasure to introduce the new director of the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, Prof. Gabrielle Slowey. Gabrielle is an Associate Professor in the Political Science department (LA&PS). A specialist in the politics of Indigenous peoples in Alberta, Québec, Ontario, Yukon and NWT as well as the United States, Australia and New Zealand, she published Navigating Neoliberalism: The Mikisew Cree First Nation in 2008 among many other studies. She researches in the areas of resource development, land claims and self-government. Gabrielle will begin her term as director of the Robarts Centre on 1 July 2015. Please join me in welcoming her to this role!

As I complete my four-year term as director, I would like to thank all of you for your support for the Robarts Centre, and more importantly for your interest and dedication to the study of Canada in all its facets. I often say that York has the strongest concentration of scholars interested in Canada anywhere. One of the ways that York tackles the worthwhile goal of being “an engaged university” is through fostering the understanding of the country, province and cities in which we live.

I wish you all the best for the summer and the next academic year.

Colin Coates
Director, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies