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Update on the petition against the cuts to Canadian Studies programmes and associations outside of Canada

Update on the petition against the cuts to Canadian Studies programmes and associations outside of Canada

As president of the Canadian Studies Network – Réseau d’études canadiennes, I launched a petition in May opposing the decision by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade to cut all funding to international Canadian Studies programmes and associations.  Although this policy change does not have a direct impact on those of us in Canada who conduct research on Canadian issues, it is a serious blow to our international colleagues.  Typically, the modest amounts of Canadian funding have been leveraged into much more substantial support from international institutions, agencies and governments.  The message that the Canadian government is now sending our international colleagues is that their work on and dedication to the study of Canada is not valued.  I believe that the change in policy goes against the interests of all Canadians.

By the end of June, the petition had over 2000 signatures.  I invite colleagues to consult the petition at, and in particular the many comments that individuals have added to demonstrate how effective the funding programme has been at enhancing international interest on Canadian issues.  At the end of June, I printed out a copy of the petition and sent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Hon. John Baird.  To date,  I have not received a reply from the ministry.

Colin M Coates

President, Canadian Studies Network - Président, Réseau d'études canadiennes

Director, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies