This page is part of the archival documents of the symposium, Toronto Cultural Policy and Plans 1974 – 2008: Examining the Legacy held in Toronto on October 24, 2008.
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** please note that where available Toronto Public Library call numbers and links to online copies are provided
Jaffary, Karl
"Toronto Arts Foundation and Toronto Cultural Policy"
delivered to City Executive Committee, April 25
Silcox, David P., Metropolitan Toronto (Ont.). Executive Committee
Metropolitan Toronto's Support Of The Arts: A Study of the Problems with Recommendations for Future Policies and Procedures
TPL call# 352.9454 M26, Toronto Reference Library
Joan Horsman and Paul Schafer
The Arts and the Municipalities: A Partnership for Action
Canadian Conference of the Arts
TPL call# 352.9454 H59, Urban Affairs Library
Bailey, Robert
Rapport: The Arts, People and Municipalities
Canadian Conference of the Arts
TPL call# 700.971 B11, Urban Affairs Library
Schafer, D. Paul
"Arguments for the Arts: Towards a Dynamic and Innovative Arts Policy"
published by Arts Scarborough
TPL call # 350.85097 S17, Urban Affairs Library
MacFadyen, Joy (Chair)
An Arts Policy for Scarborough
Report of task force formed to develop an arts policy for Scarborough
TPL call# 352.94509713 A69, Urban Affairs Library
MacFadyen, Joy (Chair)
A Five-Year Plan For The Arts In Scarborough, 1984-1988
follow-up document to the 1983 Arts Policy For Scarborough
Institute of Environmental Research
"Borough of East York culture and recreation master plan, final report: executive summary of recommendations"
TPL call# 711.55809713 I56, Urban Affairs Library
Hendry, Tom
Cultural capital: the care and feeding of Toronto's artistic assets
report published by Toronto Arts Council
TPL call# 700.97135 H25, Urban Affairs Library, TRL Stacks
CARO Visual, Film, and Video Arts Ad Hoc Committee
Amendments to Cultural Capital report
VanDerZand, A.K., RDMR
"A White Paper on the Arts Development in Scarborough"
City of Scarborough, Recreation and Parks Department
Hurlbut, Beverly and Alderman Jim McGuffin (co-Chairs)
"City of North York Arts Policy Proposals"
submitted to the Mayor and Council by the Arts Policy Advisory Committee
TPL call# 700.97135 NOR, North York Central Library, Urban Affairs
City of North York Arts Policy Advisory Committee
"City of North York Arts Policy Proposal (December 1986)"
TPL call# 700.97135 NOR, North York Central Library
Arts Scarborough, City of Scarborough Recreation and Parks Dept.
"Harvesting the Arts"
program for Harvesting the Arts community arts conference
Toronto Arts Council
No Vacancy, Parts I, II and III
TPL call# 363.5987 N57, Urban Affairs Library
Management Services Dept., Municipality of Metro Toronto
"Program review of the Metropolitan Toronto Cultural Affairs Division of the Chief Administrative Officer's Department"
TPL call# 352.94540971 M26 M261, Urban Affairs Library
Cultural Affairs Division, Municipality of Metro Toronto
"Metro's Role in Arts and Culture: A Discussion Paper"
discussion paper released prior to the 1993 review of arts policy that preceded the 1994 Culture Plan
Toronto Arts Council
Cultural Equity
report written by E. A. Julian
Ernst & Young
"City of Etobicoke Performing Arts Complex Feasibility Study: final report"
TPL call# 352.9454 C39, Urban Affairs Library
Reeves, Wayne C.
"Regional heritage features on the Metropolitan Toronto Waterfront: a report to the Metropolitan Toronto Planning Department"
TPL call# 711.30971354 R24, Urban Affairs Library
Toronto Arts Council
"Let's Talk… Arm's Length"
Toronto Arts Council
"CultureWorks: Interim Report"
Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto
"Metro's culture plan: redefining our cultural framework : a culture plan for the Metro Toronto government"
TPL call# 352.94540971 M262, Urban Affairs Library, Toronto Reference Library
Toronto Arts Council
CultureForce: Final Report and Independent Assessment
final report written by Sharon Fernandez, Independent Assessment by Rina Fraticelli
Parks and Culture Dept., Municipality of Metro Toronto
"The economic importance of culture to Metro Toronto and the GTA: summary of Statistics Canada data"
TPL call# 338.477 E187, Urban Affairs Library
Toronto Arts Council
"A cultural vision: Toronto Arts Council submission to the Greater Toronto Area Task Force"
TPL call# 353.77097 T59, Urban Affairs Library
Smith, Gerald (Chair)
South Etobicoke Community Cultural Plan
development coordinated by Arts Etobicoke and Lakeshore Arts Committee
partly funded by Metro Culture Division and Metro Parks & Culture
TPL call# 352.9454 SOU (YEAR)1996 MONTH1, Long Branch & Richview branches
Toronto Arts Council
"Financial Trends, 1981 – 1991"
Toronto Arts Council
"State of the arts: an analysis of economic activity of the arts in Toronto"
TPL call # 338.47709 S74, Urban Affairs Library
Arts, Culture and Heritage Work Group
Building On Strength: Arts, Culture and Heritage in the New City of Toronto
Appendix B, Report on Transitional Issues, Options and Recommendations
Appendix C, Inventory of Toronto Municipal Cultural Programs
report prepared for the Parks, Recreation and Culture Commissioners, and for the 1998 amalgamation Transition Team
TPL call # 352.94540971 A68 V. 1-4, Urban Affairs Library
Arts, Culture and Heritage Work Group
"Additional Service Review Information"
prepared for 1998 amalgamation Transition Team
Heritage Toronto
Because Heritage Matters: A Discussion Paper on Heritage in the New Toronto
prepared for 1998 amalgamation Transition Team
TPL call# 363.69097 H265, Urban Affairs Library
Parks, Recreation and Culture Commissioners
"Building Blocks: A Liveable City Through Parks, Recreation and Culture"
prepared for 1998 amalgamation Transition Team
TPL call# 352.73097135 B77, Urban Affairs Library
Toronto Arts Council
"The Role of Culture in the GTA"
prepared for The Greater Toronto Services Board Project
TPL call # 352.94540971 T59.4, Urban Affairs Library
Toronto Arts Council
"A Blueprint for Arts and Culture in the New Toronto: A Discussion Paper June 9, 1997"
report prepared for 1998 amalgamation Transition Team
TPL call# 352.94540971 T59.7, Urban Affairs Library
Toronto Arts Council
A Recipe for a Beautiful Future: Arts and Culture in the New Toronto
report prepared for 1998 amalgamation Transition Team
TPL call# 352.94540971 T59.6, Urban Affairs Library
Davies, Rita
"The Arts, Diversity and the Civil Society: An Examination of the Toronto Arts Council Experience 1967 – 1997"
presented to the Canadian Cultural Research Network Colloquium, June 4
Halstead, Joe
"Towards a Strategic Agenda: Key Issues and Opportunities in Economic Development, Culture and Tourism"
discussion paper presented to City of Toronto, Economic Development Committee, Sept. 4
Special Committee to Review the Final Report of the Toronto Transition Committee
Report No. 15, Section 4 - Administrative Structure for Arts Grants
considered by City of Toronto Council, December 16 and 17
Culture Division, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism Dept. of the City of Toronto
"The Economic Importance of Culture to Toronto"
TPL call# 338.477 E187 1999, Urban Affairs Library
Urban Strategies Inc. and City of Toronto, Urban Planning and Development Services
"Building a Vision for Toronto: Key Themes and Directions" introduction and section on Culture, Recreation and Entertainment
workshop report, part of development process for the City's Official Plan
TPL call# 711.40971 T592.2, Urban Affairs Library
Toronto Arts Council
The Cost of Cutting: a report on financial trends in Toronto's non-profit arts and culture community from 1991 to 1996
TPL call# 353.77097 T59.3, TRL Stacks
Toronto Arts Council
"A Community's Artists Are its Culture: The Future of the Arts in Toronto"
a report on community consultations prepared by Coalescence, Inc.
City of Toronto Economic Development and Parks Committee Reports #6 and 7, concerning adoption of the City's Culture Plan and major cultural grants recommendations for the year 2000
The Canada Council for the Arts, Planning and Research branch
Profile of Funding to Artists and Arts Organizations in the City of Toronto, 1999-2000
City of Toronto. Economic Development, Culture and Tourism Dept., Culture Division
Toronto the Creative City: A Workprint
Toronto Arts Council
False Economy? A Study of Need in Toronto's Non-Profit Arts Sector
City of Toronto. Economic Development, Culture & Tourism Dept. Culture Division
Culture Plan for the Creative City
TPL call# 353.77097 T59.7, Urban Affairs Library
ERA Architects
A Map of Toronto’s Cultural Facilities: A Cultural Facilities Analysis
report prepared for Culture Division of Toronto's Economic Development, Culture and Tourism Department
City of Toronto. Economic Development, Culture & Tourism Dept. Culture Division
Culture Plan Progress Report
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Economic Contribution of Toronto's Culture Sector
City of Toronto. Economic Development, Culture & Tourism Dept. Culture Division
Culture Plan Progress Report II
City of Toronto. Economic Development, Culture & Tourism Dept. Culture Division
Creative City Planning Framework
Toronto Arts and Cultural Policy
Dowler, Kevin (2004) "Planning the Culture of Cities: Cultural Policy in Dublin and Toronto". Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, vol. 30, issue 2, Fall, pp. 21-29
Holubizky, Ihor (1991) "Mo' better modern: Toronto in the 1980s". Arts Magazine (U.S.A.), vol. 65, no. 6, Feb. 1991, pp. 55-9
Jenkins, Barbara (2005) "Toronto's cultural renaissance". Canadian Journal of Communication, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 169-186.
Kipfer, Stefan and Roger Keil (2000) "Still Planning to Be Different? Toronto at the Turn of the Millennium". DISP Journal, issue #140. last accessed August 28, 2008.
Miles, Simon (2005) "Creativity, Culture and Urban Development: Toronto Examined". DISP Journal, issue# 162. last accessed August 28, 2008.
Pugen, Diane (1988) "The artist and the city". Ontario Craft (Canada), vol. 13, no. 2, Summer 1988, pp. 9-11
Bell, Andrew and Kevin Stolarick (2008) "Funding to Arts and Cultural Organizations by the City of Toronto, 1990-2008". Martin Prosperity Institute. Final Report, REF. 2008-WP-001. last accessed March 21, 2009.
Municipal Cultural Policy – Canadian Studies
Donald, Betsy (2005) "The politics of local economic development in Canada's city-regions: New dependencies, new deals, and a new politics of scale", Space and Polity, Volume 9, Issue 3 December, pages 261 – 281
de la Durantaye, Michel (2002) "Municipal cultural policies in Quebec". Canadian Journal of Communication, vol. 27, no. 2/3, pp. 305-313. last accessed March 21, 2009.
Gauthier, Anne (2004) "A Local Application of Cultural Policy. Cultural Development Agreements between Municipalities and the Quebec Department of Culture and Communications". Loisir et société/ Leisure & Society. vol. 27, iss.2, pp. 355-379
Laquerre, Stephanie and Michel de la Durantaye (2003) "Research-Action: Presentation of a Model for Analysis and Planning of a Cultural System Together with a Strategy for Designing a Cultural Policy, the Case of the City of Longueuil". Loisir et Societe/Society and Leisure, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 113-142, spring
Neilson, Leighann C. (2003) "The Development of Marketing in the Canadian Museum Community, 1840-1989". Journal Of Macromarketing, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 16-30, June
Schafer, D. Paul (1994). "Culture and Leisure: The Arts in Communities". Recreation Canada, Vol. 52, No1., pp. 6-10.
Shields, Rob (2003) "Intersections in Cultural Policy: Geographic, Socioeconomic and Other Markers of Identity". Canadian Ethnic Studies, Vol. 35, Issue 3
Municipal Cultural Policy – International Studies
Ander Egg, Ezequiel (1988) Municipal cultural policy. Buenos Aires: Humanitas
Breux, Sandra, Jean-Pierre Collin and Emmanuel Négrier (2007) "Political rescaling and municipal cultural public policies: a comparison of France and Québec". International journal of urban and regional research, vol. 31 no. 1, pp. 128-145, March
Cartier, C. (2008) "Culture and the city: Hong Kong, 1997-2007". China Review-An Interdisciplinary Journal On Greater China, vol.8, no.1, pp.59-83
Dubois, Vincent and Pascale Laborier (2003) "The 'social' in the institutionalisation of local cultural policies in France and Germany". International Journal of Cultural Policy, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 195 - 206, July
Jensen, Ole B. (2007) "Culture Stories: Understanding Cultural Urban Branding". Planning Theory, vol. 6, issue 3, pp. 211-236
Strom, Elizabeth (2002) "Converting pork into porcelain: cultural institutions and downtown development". Urban Affairs Review, vol.38, no.1, pp.3
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last updated: March 21, 2009