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Damilola Adebayo

Dr Damilola Adebayo is an Assistant Professor at the Department of History. He is a historian of Anglophone West Africa, particularly Nigeria. His research and teaching interests are at the intersection of three fields namely social and economic history; science, technology and society (STS); and the role of international organizations in the African past. His […]

Harriet Tubman Virtual Museum

We are happy to announce that the HTI received a grant from the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS) Black Scholars’ Research Fund for the Harriet Tubman Virtual Museum. The project is part of a broader collaborative project with McLaughlin College and the Institute for Social Research. Funds will support some activities related […]

2021 Open House

The Harriet Tubman Institute at York University warmly welcome students, faculty and staff to our annual Open House on 7 October 2021. We will be discussing research activities and events planned for this academic year.   Please RSVP at:–tw   Please share this invitation with your colleagues and we look forward to seeing you […]