A recent Philippine Reporter article offers a detailed look at a panel that was organized at YCAR in December concerning the new set of regulations that have drastically changed the Live-in Caregiver Program (LCP) in Canada.
The panel, Assessing the Changes to the Live-in Caregiver Program: Improving Security or Deepening Precariousness?, was organized by Philip Kelly (Geography) and featured Petronila Cleto, Gabriela Ontario; Fay Faraday, Lawyer, Packer Chair in Social Justice, York University, and Visiting Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School; Avvy Go, Director, Metro Toronto Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic; Deanna Santos, Founder, Santos Law Office, Markham; and Pura Velasco, Former Domestic Worker/ Caregiver.
“Advocates speak out against policy changes” was written by Jennilee Austria and is available here: http://philippinereporter.com/2015/01/30/advocates-speak-out-against-policy-changes/