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Post-doctoral fellowship opportunity - urban climate change capacity in the Mekong region

The Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia Partnership (UCRSEA), located in the Asia Institute at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto, invites applications for a one-year UCRSEA Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Urban Climate Change Resilience. Research proposed must be pertinent to UCRSEA’s focus on building urban climate change capacity, particularly in the Mekong region. The Fellowship will commence 1 July 2016, with an annual salary of C$40,500 plus benefits.

The Partnership addresses vulnerabilities to climate change in urbanizing areas of Southeast Asia with the goal of enhancing resilience and, hence, economic and social well-being. Individual and community vulnerabilities in the region are linked to global environmental change and to the rapid pace of urbanization and economic integration of the region. Specifically, we seek to provide vulnerable peoples in transitional states with the space to learn about and share in decisions about protecting themselves from the economic, social and physical impacts of climate change.

The call and application instructions are available here.