On 19 November 2016, YCAR Graduate Associates Kimberly Roberts and Sarah Allen (Geography) organized a cross-university workshop on Feminist Political Ecology Methods. The workshop brought together graduate students from York University, Cornell University, Syracuse University, National University of Singapore, University of California Santa Cruz, and Northern Illinois University, the majority of whom conduct research in Southeast Asia. The workshop participants discussed the applications of feminist political ecology in fieldwork, including considerations of researcher positionality and the intersectionality of research. Outcomes from this workshop will be presented at the Feminist Geography 2017 Conference at the University North Carolina at Chapel Hill in May 2017, along with a co-authored methods paper.
Clockwise, left to right from top (York University unless otherwise indicated: Laura Schoenberger, Kyle Wagner, Kimberly Roberts, Wendy Medina De Loera, Colin Sutherland, Carly Teng, Devin Holterman, Sara Ann Swenson (Syracuse University), Hilary Faxon (Cornell University), Terese Gagnon (Syracuse University), Sarah Allen.