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"F se Feminism," Deepa Venkatesan's (Communication & Culture) new interactive documentary

"F se Feminism," Deepa Venkatesan's (Communication & Culture) new interactive documentary

3 stories. 6 women. An interactive documentary film portraying what lived experiences of feminism in India look like. Virtually immerse in their art, stories and experiences on 30 July 2020.

Congrats to Deepa Venkatesan (Communication & Culture)  on her new interactive documentary film titled "F se Feminism" (“F stands for Feminism”). She has spent the last six months working to develop this bilingual media project.

“For me, interactive documentaries are a new genre and a challenge I took up as a part of my Master's thesis at York University. What started out as me simply trying to seek feminist spaces within homes, developed into a journey that focusses on women redefining feminism through storytelling and art.” 

She says that the form of this film attempts to help audiences navigate through complex ideas such as embodiment, expression, intersectionality, identity, fluidity, etc., and experience the subjective nature of feminism. 

Her short doc features: Mala Srikanth and the women of Needles to Say More (Ranikhet), Anuja Ghosalkar and her theatre performance Lady Anandi, and the founder of, Japleen Pasricha.


Follow Deepa on Twitter: @venkatesandeepa.