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Education, migration and development the focus of visiting Indonesian scholar's talk

Education, migration and development the focus of visiting Indonesian scholar's talk

YCAR recently hosted Dr. Devanto S. Pramoto from Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia

His talk addressed the progress of Indonesian education in relation to development. He considered whether regional differentials in educational enrollment are related to indicators of economic development and examined the inter-generational transmission of educational attainment between parents and their children. His study also examined the role of education in improving the performance of migrants in urban areas in Indonesia.

Dr Pratomo is with the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia. He holds a PhD in Economics from Lancaster University, UK (2009). His research interests and publications lie in the area of labour economics and migration. In 2013, Dr. Devanto received the SEAMEO–Jasper Research Award with the theme of Education and Employability in Southeast Asia.

His September visit to Canada included stops in Toronto and Vancouver where he gave talks at Ryerson University and the University of British Columbia as well as York University.