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Amelia Madueño

Amelia Madueño

Graduate Associate


Doctoral Student

Graduate Programme in Sociology, York University

Research Keywords:

Japan; new religious movements; Soka Gakkai; ethnography; queer theory

Research Region(s):

East Asia, Japan

Research Diaspora(s):

Amelia Madueño is a second-year doctoral student in the Department of Sociology at York University. Her dissertation research focuses on the life experiences of non-binary members of Soka Gakkai International, Japan’s largest new religious movement. Amelia's research is multi-sited, taking place in Tokyo, Japan and the Greater Toronto Area. Amelia's broad research interests include the sociology of religion, Japanese religion and spirituality, queer theory, and ethnography. She holds a BA in Anthropology and a minor in History (Magna Cum Laude, University High Honours, and Departmental Honours in Anthropology; 2018) and an MA in History with a concentration in International/Global Studies (2020) from the University of New Orleans. Amelia is a member of four honour societies and has received over 15 scholarships and awards. Lastly, she is bilingual in English and Spanish and proficient in French (B1), Japanese (N4) and Italian.
