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Fan He

Graduate Associate


Doctoral Student

Gradaute Programme in Social Anthropology

Research Keywords:

Cultural consumption; urban space; subject formation; commercialization; shopping mall; China; Shanghai

Research Region(s):

China, East Asia

I am an international student from Shanghai, China and a master’s student in the Social Anthropology program at York University. Holding an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from York University, I am interested in anthropological perspectives in general and also in broader themes around power, subject formation, politics of affect, urban space, built environment, capitalism, commercialization and commodification. My current research project concerns with urban youth’s experience of their everyday life encounters with commodified cultural figures (such as copyrighted cartoon figures from Japanese animation) displayed in shopping mall spaces in Shanghai’s west bank central area. I am interested in how these figures, situated simultaneously in a discursive and a material space both shaped by dynamics of power, come to shape youth’s subjectivities through (re)producing and mediating specific experience, imaginations, expectations, and aspirations about the urban and urban life.
