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Sheila Htoo

Graduate Associate

Doctoral Candidate

Graduate Programme in Environmental Studies, York University

Research Keywords:

Political ecology of war; armed conflicts and resources; ceasefire capitalism; peace; peacebuilding; indigenous conservation; Salween Peace Park; Karen State, Myanmar/Burma; Southeast Asia

Research Region(s):

Burma/Myanmar, Southeast Asia

Research Diaspora(s):

Asian Diaspora

Sheila Htoo is a doctoral candidate in York University’s Graduate Programme in Environmental Studies. Her doctoral research focuses on the political ecology of war, resources and armed conflicts, ceasefire capitalism, and peacebuilding efforts by indigenous Karen people in southeastern Burma/Myanmar through the Salween Peace Park movement. Sheila holds a Master’s degree in Planning from the University of Toronto and an Honours Bachelor’s degree in Urban Studies, Economic Geography and Sociology from the University of Toronto. She has worked as a knowledge exchange leader and researcher on multiple research projects with Access Alliance Community Health Services in Toronto. She is a freelance interpreter with LanguageLine Solutions as well as a chairperson for the Karen Community of Toronto (KCT) and an advocacy leader for the Karen Community of Canada’s (KCC) National Advocacy Team.
