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Jessica Tsui-Yan Li

Faculty Associate


Associate Professor

Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, York University

Research Keywords:

Modern and contemporary Chinese literature; Chinese Canadian and American literature, film and drama; translation studies; gender studies; Hong Kong studies

Research Region(s):

China, East Asia, Hong Kong

Research Diaspora(s):

East Asian Diaspora

Jessica Tsui-Yan Li teaches Chinese literature, film, drama and culture at York University. She is Past President of the Canadian Comparative Literature Association, and an International Editorial Board Member in the Springer book series on “Digital Culture and Humanities Series: Changes, Chances and Challenges in Asian and Global Contexts,” launched by the Research Institute for Digital Culture and Humanities (RIDCH) at the Open University of Hong Kong. She has published on the topics of modern and contemporary Chinese literature, Chinese Canadian and American literature, film and drama, translation studies, gender studies, and Hong Kong studies. She is the guest editor of the Special Issue of the Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/ Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée on “Engaging Communities in Comparative Literature” (June 2017), and "Garnering Diversities in Comparative Literature" (June 2018). Her articles have also appeared in the refereed journals, Neohelicon; Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, Dang’an Chunqiu (Memories and Archives, Shanghai); and in books such as Ibsen and the Modern Self; Gender, Discourse and the Self in Literature: Issues in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong; Asia: Local and Global Perspectives; and Romancing Eileen Chang. She is editor of The Transcultural Streams of Chinese Canadian Identities (McGill-Queen’s University Press). She is currently working on a monograph on the self-translation of Eileen Chang.
