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Joan Judge

Faculty Associate



Department of History, York University

Research Keywords:

Modern China; print culture; women’s history

Research Region(s):

China, East Asia, Japan

Joan Judge is a 2021 Guggenheim Fellow, a member of the Royal Society of Canada, and a Professor in the Department of History at York University in Toronto, Canada. She is the author of Republican Lens: Gender, Visuality, and Experience in the Early Chinese Periodical Press (University of California Press 2015), The Precious Raft of History: The Past, the West, and the Woman Question in China (Stanford University Press 2008), Print and Politics: ‘Shibao’ and the Culture of Reform in Late Qing China (Stanford University Press 1996), and co-editor of The Sinosphere and Beyond: Essays in Honor of Joshua Fogel( DeGruyter Oldenbourg 2024), Women Warriors and National Heroes: Global Histories (Bloomsbury Academic 2020), Women and the Periodical Press in China’s Global Twentieth Century: A Space of Their Own? (Cambridge University Press 2018), and Beyond Exemplar Tales: Women’s Biography in Chinese History (University of California Press 2011).

She has just completed a SSHRC-funded manuscript, The Politics of Common Reading: Vernacular Knowledge and Everyday Technics in China, 1894–1954, that is forthcoming with the University of Chicago Press.
