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Mohammad Noman Baber

Graduate Associate


Master's Student

Graduate Programme in Political Science, York University

Research Keywords:

Statelessness; refugee; forced migration; wars; diplomacy; politics and government; state policies; human rights; states' relations; foreign policy; international security; conflict resolution; international relations

Research Region(s):


Research Diaspora(s):

Afghan Diaspora, South Asian Diaspora

Mohammad Noman Baber is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Political Science at York University, where he is also a researcher in the DARE program with the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies. His research interests encompass a wide range of topics, including international security, statelessness in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), forced migration, conflict resolution, international relations and foreign policy.

Mohammad's scholarly contributions have been featured in prominent policy research institutions such as the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies and distinguished news outlets like Aamaj News. Previously, he served as an executive committee member of the Association of Private Schools in Afghanistan. His research work continue to contribute to the understanding and resolution of pressing global issues. Mohammad has studied world politics and economics at Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania. He holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honours degree in Political Science from York University.
