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Nga Dao

Nga Dao

Faculty Associate


Associate Professor

Department of Social Science, York University

Research Keywords:

River ecologies; gender; youth roles in livelihood changes; Mekong and Red River deltas; Vietnam

Research Region(s):


Research Diaspora(s):

Nga Dao holds a PhD in Geography from York University, an MA from Cornell University, and a MSc from SOAS, University of London. Nga has conducted research on topics including development-induced displacement in Southeast Asia, gender equality and women’s role in water resource governance, agri-business, mining, and land grabbing. Nga is now focusing on intergenerational struggles, slow violence and water (in)justice; river ecologies, gender and youth roles in livelihood changes in the Mekong region, exploring how the local landscape has been transformed through expansion of boom crops, industrialization, resource (land & water) degradation and migration. She has published her work in various peer-review journals, including the Journal of Peasant Studies, Journal of Agrarian Change, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Critical Asian Studies, Water Alternatives, Journal of Asia Pacific Viewpoint, and Journal of Gender, Places and Culture.
