Graduate Associate
Doctoral Candidate
Graduate Programme in Education, York University
Research Keywords:
Research creation; archives; history education; social justice education; aesthetic experience
Research Diaspora(s):
Asian Diaspora
Sheetal Prasad is a Doctoral Candidate and SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship holder in the Faculty of Education at York University. Her current research examines representation within Canadian secondary history classrooms and how history textbooks and curricula can be interrogated through multimodal learning and engagement. With her background in fine art, she combines archival and art research methods to create augmented reality works that inform viewers of multiple perspectives in Canadian history. Sheetal holds an MFA from OCAD University where she combined art making and archives to reveal hidden and silenced narratives within Canadian history. She also holds a BFA from McMaster University where she combined photography and installations to create a comparison between past and contemporary representations of racialized and marginalized communities.