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Asia Research Brief #48 | Multiple Minority Modalities: Dialogical Identities of Bengali-Speaking Buddhists in India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar

In our latest Asia Research Brief, D. Mitra Barua (YCAR External Associate) shares his work on Bengali-speaking Buddhists found in India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. He suggests that their collective identity is dialogical, particularly because it is a minority group. He illustrates and explains how this ethno-religious minority had to negotiate their collective identity with their […]

CCIF funding for research on racial profiling, Chinese diasporic musicians

Qiang Zha (Education) and Yao Cui (Music) are latest recipients of support from the Canada-China Initiatives Fund. Professor Zha received funding for his collaborative project that will explore if there is racial profiling among Canadian university professors of Chinese descent and the possible consequences for the Canadian research community and Canada-China research collaboration. Zha is […]

SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarships Awarded to our Graduate Associates

Congratulations to our Graduate Associates who received Canada Graduate Scholarships as part of the Fall 2020 competition. The results were recently announced on the SSHRC website. Seungwoo Baek, Communication and Culture | Perpetual Motion Machine: race as a mediating technology of the American conception of a networked empire Boyuan H. Bridge, Film Production | Chinese […]

Asia Research Briefs

Asia Research Briefs provide short summaries of research by YCAR Associates. Their purpose is to share insights from academic research that are otherwise not widely circulated. They are directed, in particular, to journalists, policy analysts, community leaders and interested members of the public. Read our collection of briefs at

Graduate Diploma in Asian Studies

The Graduate Diploma in Asian Studies (GDAS) is a one-of-a-kind diploma tailored specifically for students conducting their graduate research in Asia and Asian Diasporas. Find out more about eligibility, application process and diploma requirements at