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Nga Dao recognized as ‘Hotspot Hero’ for outstanding conservation effort

Nga Dao recognized as ‘Hotspot Hero’ for outstanding conservation effort

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund recognized York alumnus Dr Nga Dao (Development Studies and YCAR Research Associate ) as one of its 15 ‘Hotspot Heroes’ for outstanding conservation efforts. The Indo-Burma Hotspot Hero, Dr Dao is the co-founder and director of the Center for Water Resources Conservation and Development (WARECOD), a Vietnamese nongovernmental organization that focuses on […]

Call for Papers | Asian Connections: Linking Mobilities of Capital and Labour in Theory and Practice

Call for Papers | Asian Connections: Linking Mobilities of Capital and Labour in Theory and Practice

May 12th-13th 2017 York University Toronto, Canada Deadline for Paper Proposals: November 30, 2016 Purpose This workshop seeks to reunite the study of corporate and migrant transnationalisms by exploring how they are causally or structurally connected in the context of cross-border mobilities of capital and labour into, out of, and within, Asia.  The workshop aims […]

Call for Papers | Asian Connections: Linking Mobilities of Capital and Labour in Theory and Practice

Call for Papers | Asian Connections: Linking Mobilities of Capital and Labour in Theory and Practice

May 12th-13th 2017 York University Toronto, Canada Deadline for Paper Proposals: October 31, 2016 Capitalist development in all parts of the world has always been characterized by the restless mobility of both capital and labour, in search of profit and livelihood respectively. Capital, in the form of transnational corporate organizations, may relocate or outsource production […]

2016 Meet and Greet

2016 Meet and Greet

YCAR warmly invites all York students and faculty interested in Asia/Asian diaspora to meet with members of our research community and learn more about what is happening at YCAR in the year ahead. For details visit the event page at

Call for Papers | Association for Asian Studies

Call for Papers | Association for Asian Studies

The Association for Asian Studies (AAS) is now accepting proposals for panels, roundtables, workshops, and individual papers for its 2017 conference to be held in Toronto.  The deadline for submissions is 9 August 2016.  Submissions can be made electronically on their website. For more information, visit

The Second Annual International Symposium on Aging and Old-Age in Asia-Pacific

The Second Annual International Symposium on Aging and Old-Age in Asia-Pacific

Thomas Klassen co-organized The Second Annual International Symposium on Aging and Old-Age in Asia-Pacific held at Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand on June 30-July 2, 2016.  The symposium brought together contributors to the forthcoming Handbook of Ageing and Old Age in Asia-Pacific (Routledge 2017) that Klassen is co-editing. Details about the book are available at: Find […]

Associate Publications on Chinese and Indian Regional Economic Policies

Associate Publications on Chinese and Indian Regional Economic Policies

YCAR external associate, Nivedita Das Kundu, published two books this year on socio-economic issues in China and India.  India's Emerging Partnerships with Eurasia - Strategies of New Regionalism explores historical and contemporary relationships between India and Eurasia. Her co-edited collection with Bal Kishan Sharma, China's One Belt One Road - Initiatives, Challenges and Prospects, brings together an array of works […]

Congratulations! 2015-16 Defended Dissertations

Congratulations! 2015-16 Defended Dissertations

Congratulations to all the YCAR graduate associates who defended their dissertations in 2015-16! Nadia Z. Hasan (Political Science), Unscripting Piety: Muslim Women, Pakistani Nationalism, and Islamic Feminism Anindo Hazra (English), A Noble Mansion For All?: The Production of Difference in Selected Works by Mahesh Dattani and R. Raj Rao Abhar Rukh Husain, Spirited women tell […]

ChATSEA Working Papers Now Available on T-Space

ChATSEA Working Papers Now Available on T-Space

17 working papers from the Challenges of Agrarian Transition in Southeast Asia (ChATSEA) project are now available on the University of Toronto's T-space.  ChATSEA is a major international collaborative project across 18 universities and research institutions in Canada, Southeast Asia, Europe and Australia, including the York Centre for Asian Research.  Supported by the Social Sciences and […]

Associate Publication on Ecotourism in Cambodia | La Conquête Territoriale par L'écotourisme: Le Cas de Chi Phat Dans les Cardamomes

Associate Publication on Ecotourism in Cambodia | La Conquête Territoriale par L'écotourisme: Le Cas de Chi Phat Dans les Cardamomes

YCAR Postdoctoral Fellow, Jonathan Tardif, explores the complex, political and multilevel nature of ecotourism in his latest co-authored book chapter with Bruno Sarrasin, "La conquête territoriale par l'écotourisme: le cas de Chi Phat dans les Cardamomes". In this chapter, Tardif and Sarrasin view ecotourism in protected areas as a territorialization process and focus on notions of access and […]