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Dr Choi Po King on Fairchild TV


This past April Toronto's Cantonese language television station, Fairchild TV, interviewed Dr Choi Po King who was our guest lecturer for the inaugural Bernard H.K. Luk Memorial Lecture in Hong...

YCAR Associates Publish Article on Chinese Investments in Southeast Asia


In their co-authored article, Perceptions and Practices of Investment: China's Hydropower Investments in Mainland Southeast Asia, Vanessa Lamb and Nga Dao examine how xenophobia impacts perceptions of Chinese investments in...

YCAR Welcomes New Director, Abidin Kusno


The YCAR community welcomes Abidin Kusno as he begins his term as the Centre’s new director on 1 July 2017. Abidin Kusno joined York as a Professor in the Faculty...

On 16 June 2017 Nancy Peluso Discusses "Gold Mining & Agrarian Transformation"


York welcomes Nancy Peluso, Henry J. Vaux Distinguished Professor of Forest Policy at the University of California, Berkeley to York this Friday. Professor Peluso will speak about her research on...

Asian Heritage Month 2017: Tamil Culture


On Thursday, 25 May 2017 YCAR celebrated Asian Heritage Month with an event centred around Tamil culture.  This event was attended by hundreds of students from nine high schools in...

YCAR at the Canada-Hong Kong Link Event "Hong Kong: Twenty Years after the Handover"


YCAR Associates Wendy Wong and Michael Stainton attended the Canada Hong Kong Link event "Hong Kong: Twenty Years after the Handover" on Saturday May 6, 2017. YCAR was recognized and...

Inaugural Bernard H.K. Luk Memorial Lecture in Hong Kong Studies: Should the Chinese Language be Taught in Putonghua?


The Bernard Luk Memorial Lecture in Hong Kong Studies is an annual event organized by the York Centre for Asian Research. The lecture provides an historical or contemporary analysis of Hong Kong as...

Geotechnical Politics of Ocean Frontiers: The Canadian North & the Indo-Pacific


The workshop, held on Friday 28 April 2017, explored the politics of constructing ‘peace’ and attaining ‘security’ through the interdisciplinary analytical framework of Frontier Studies. This workshop was organized by...

Professor Patrick Alcedo's New Documentary About Filipino Domestic Workers


Congratulations to Associate Professor Patrick Alcedo (Dance) on the completion of his new film! Synopsis: A tribute to millions of Filipino foreign domestic workers, A Piece of Paradise is an...

Canadian Council for SEAsian Studies - Submission Deadline Extension


October 27 – 28, 2017 ||  York University, Toronto, Canada The 33rd Biennial CCSEAS conference theme—‘People In and Out of Place’—represents a long standing and yet often forgotten dynamic of...