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Philippine Studies Group Student Awards

Excellence in Philippine Studies / Filipinx Diaspora Studies writing

Requirements: Nomination packages should include a one paragraph summary of the paper/dissertation and  a PDF copy of the paper or PhD dissertation.

Undergraduate paper - $500
Masters Research paper - $500
PhD dissertation award - $750
PhD dissertation honourable mention - $600

Graduate Student / Postdoctoral Fellow Research Stipend

Requirements: A brief research proposal, indicating the research questions being examined, the methods and methodologies being used, and research plans. Each applicant should also provide a budget breakdown indicating travel costs (including hotel and airfare), participant honoraria, etc.

At least three awards, up to $ 8,000 each.

Language Study Subsidy (Deadline: 6 February 2023)

Requirements: A letter from the applicant indicating which Philippine language they want to study, how learning this language will contribute to their research plans, and a budget indicating total costs of language instruction and, if relevant, travel costs (if applicant will be traveling to the Philippines to learn the language).

Two awards, up to $4,500 each.