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Registration - Summer 2024 Session

Registration for the Summer 2024 session is now closed. Stay tuned for the Fall 2024 session, to be launched in August.

On This Page

Registration Guidelines

The registration form includes four sections, and each section must be completed before you can move to the next. For a glance at the the full form, you can view it here as a PDF.

Below are guidelines for the following sections:

Supporting Documentation

Please upload a project concept note (500 words max): a lay summary of your research proposal, including your research objectives and proposed methodology.

GPS Specialist

Matching with a GPS Specialist is required to register for Research GPS, and must be completed before the deadline of May 8, 2024.

A list of qualified grant development specialists who have supported the program in past years can be found here. Researchers are encouraged to reach out to their Faculty Research Office for assistance with selecting a Specialist, whether they are from this list or not. Your Faculty Research Office may have experience working with certain Specialists and may have a recommendation for you. You can find contact information for your Faculty Research Office here.

GPS Specialists are funded by Research Commons.

Match with a Specialist on the Research Commons recommended list

Matching with a GPS Specialist involves confirming their interest and availability in supporting your proposal. We suggest sending them your project concept note, ensuring they are aware of the Proposal Development & Submissions Timeline, and confirming that they are available to dedicate 20 hours of consultation time to develop your grant proposal. You may also want to get a sense of the Specialist's funding program expertise and experience, consultation style, and preferred format for working (in-person, virtually, or by email) to ensure that they align with your needs and goals.

After you submit the registration form and your participation in the program has been confirmed, Research Commons will contact your GPS Specialist to process their contract. Throughout the Research GPS program, we will pay the Specialist’s monthly invoices and track their consultation hours.

Match with a Specialist not on the Research Commons recommended list

If you plan to work with a Specialist who is not on the list we provide, please email us at with their name and contact information by Monday, April 22, 2024, before you confirm their availability. Research Commons will first contact the Specialist to communicate details about the program, including information on contracts, invoicing, and compensation. Once they are agreeable, we will email you to confirm you can proceed with the matching process, as detailed above.

Peer Reviewers

Please provide five suggested Peer Reviewers. They can be internal or external to York University, and they do not need to be arms-length to you. 

After the program launches, we will aim to secure two Peer Reviewers from the suggestions you provide. If all five Peer Reviewers are unavailable, we will ask you to provide further suggestions.

Newly Hired Faculty Members

Faculty Research Offices should reach out to newly hired faculty members (i.e., start on July 1, 2024) to gauge their interest. New faculty members must complete the same registration form, with support from their Faculty Research Office. In case the new faculty member does not yet have a PPY, the Research Officer must provide their own York email address on the registration form.

A spot will be reserved for the new faculty member, and they will have a later launch date with a slightly condensed timeline for grant proposal development. See the Milestones page for more information.

In advance of the launch date, all communications to the new faculty member will be facilitated by the Faculty Research Office.