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Research Support Services

Research Commons

The first stop on your research journey at York!

If you are not sure where to go, or have questions about the research services available, contact

Research Commons also offers research education workshops and specialized grant proposal support for select funding opportunities.

Faculty Research Offices

If you are planning to prepare an application for grant funding, your Faculty Research Office should be your first point of contact.

Faculty Research Offices can provide grant proposal support, grant administration, knowledge mobilization support, and assistance with hiring students and postdoctoral fellows/visitors.

Organized Research Units

If you are looking to connect with researchers across disciplines who have similar research interests, consider joining one of York's 31 organized research units (ORUs).

ORUs can facilitate research collaborations with internal and external partners, organize knowledge mobilization activities, and provide additional grant administration support.

Pre-Award Support

Areas of SupportOfficeContactsLinks
Commercialization & PartnershipsInnovation York Pui Sai Lau, Connected Minds Commercialization Manager:

Suraj Shah, Associate Director, Commercialization & Industry Partnerships:

Industry Partnerships
Intellectual PropertyInnovation York & IP Innovation ClinicCourtney Cole, Business Development Manager:

Joseph Turcotte, Assistant Director: or
IP Innovation Clinic
Research SecurityInnovation YorkRebecca Irwin, Director, Safeguarding Research: rirwin1@yorku.caSafeguarding Research
International Research Funding & CollaborationsYork InternationalVinitha Gengatharan, Assistant Vice-President, Global Engagement & Partnerships: vinithag@yorku.caYork International
Areas of SupportOfficeContactsLinks
Data Management & In-Kind ContributionsLibrariesResearch data management:

Securing a library support letter for a grant-funded research project:

For other types of consultations, such as research help for your subject area, consult the ‘Ask Us’ webpage
Library support for grant-funded research projects

Library workshops

Research and publishing support
Application Review, Application Inquiries, Fund Transfers, & Application Signatures and ApprovalsOffice of Research Services (ORS)researchapps@yorku.caResearch Services

Grants and Applications

Funding Opportunities
Documents and Forms
Research Awards/Prizes & Large-Scale GrantsStrategic & Institutional Research Initiatives (SIRI)siri@yorku.caStrategic & Institutional Research Initiatives

Post-Award Support

Areas of SupportOfficeContactsLinks
Postdoctoral Researchers, Research Assistants, & Graduate AssistantsFaculty of Graduate StudiesDmitri Katsman, Associate Director, Graduate Funding & Planning:

Kim McIntyre, Postdoctoral Services & Professional Skills Coordinator:
General information on hiring and internal procedures for engaging postdocs

Guide for supervisors supporting applications for externally-funded postdoctoral fellowships

Graduate Fellowships

Work performed by graduate students

Understanding student accounts and funding packages
Financial Administration of Grants & ContractsResearch Accountingresacct@yorku.caManaging research grants
Accounts Payable (e.g., paying vendors) & Expense ReimbursementUniversity Services Centre - General AccountingExpenses:

Accounts Payable:

Accounts Receivable (only for invoice queries):
USC Finance Services
Areas of SupportOfficeContactsLinks
Research AgreementsInnovation YorkJanet Newton, Associate Director, Research Agreements: newtonj@yorku.caResearch Agreements
Research EthicsOffice of Research Ethics (ORE) Research Ethics
Areas of SupportOfficeContactsLinks
Online Researcher ProfileDiscover York Academicsdyahelp@yorku.caDiscover York Academics
Knowledge MobilizationKnowledge Mobilization UnitMichael Johnny, Knowledge Mobilization Manager:

Krista Jensen, Knowledge Mobilization Officer:
Knowledge Mobilization
Publishing, Author Rights, Digital Scholarship, & Research VisibilityLibrariesOpen access publishing and author rights:

Research visibility:

Digital scholarship, digital preservation, and depositing to YorkSpace, York’s institutional repository:
Research and publishing support

Article Processing Charge Discounts and other Open Access publishing supports
Entrepreneurship & Commercialization YSpaceDavid Kwok, Director of Entrepreneurship & Innovation:

Nafis Ahmed, YSpace Entrepreneurship Manager:

Emma Yuen, YSpace Operations Manager: