The Department of Cinema and Media Arts, in collaboration with Risk Management Services has created an online application for student productions to request insurance coverage through the University's insurance program.
Students, please:
- Complete the Student Film Production Insurance Application and submit it to their supervisor for approval;
- Attach all necessary licenses, clearances, and consents from contributing parties to the application
Risk Management Services will review the application with the students and issue a letter confirming insurance coverage for the production once the application is complete and any high risks have appropriate mitigation plans.
Students should submit their application at least one week prior to the start of filming, as requests will take several days to process. If you have submitted an application, and Risk Management Services has not responded, please contact us.
For more information on Student Film Production Insurance details, please visit Film 411.
Incident Reporting: If an incident occurs during filming, please contact Risk Management Services at with any details including a completed YU Incident Report. If serious, call 705-229-4282. If calling after hours, calls will be re-directed to the Risk Manager on call.