Life/Work Coaching for Transition

Coaching integrates my planning knowledge and skills, together with my interest in change and transition, in settings that facilitate others’ learning and growth. Coaching can be one-on-one or in groups (e.g., a coaching approach to building capacity for strategic thinking) and it is complemented by the conduct of workshops on finding balance and fulfilment in times of transition.

Coaching is a supportive one-on-one relationship with a coach, aimed at helping clients clarify and achieve what they want from their lives. Coaching enables them to tap into their full potential, increase their personal and professional effectiveness, and create the results they desire.

Coaching can be especially helpful at times of major life transition, when we have to come to grips with a significant change and make the shift to an unfamiliar situation. Something ends, maybe not by choice: a job or role, an association with colleagues and friends, a relationship with a partner, home or community. Something new, perhaps still unknown, begins. A skilled coach assists the client to see the current situation realistically, explore options, develop goals and strategies, and commit to action that will take them through the transition to a new beginning.

Coaching is an inside-out process. It assumes that each of us knows what's best for ourselves. The coach is a guide, a sounding board, a source of encouragement and challenge, but not an expert telling the client what to do. The coaching agenda -- life purpose, values and vision, plan and commitment, achievements and learning -- is the client’s. Together, client and coach design the alliance that will forward this agenda, for the client’s benefit.

Typical benefits that clients receive from coaching include: perspective on the changes affecting them and clarity on what's important; structure, focus, direction and coping skills to deal with the disorientation and anxiety commonly associated with such change; a self-defined path through the transition and beyond; enhanced self-awareness, responsibility and empowerment; and more balance and greater fulfilment in their lives.

Other Links:

International Coach Federation

The Coaches Training Institute

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