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Update: Information Technology System Disruption

Update: Information Technology System Disruption

Dear York Community,

As you are aware, early this morning York University experienced a cyber incident that compromised a number of computer servers and workstations.

Once discovered, UIT took immediate measures to contain the situation and engaged external investigators to help with determining the scope and extent of the incident. The investigation is complex and needs to be completed before any system remediation and recovery can begin.

The University also wanted to communicate with the York community as quickly as possible this morning about this situation, but unfortunately distribution was delayed due to issues resulting from protecting our systems. These problems have now been resolved.

As of Saturday afternoon, the following systems are available:
· Office 365 (including email)
· York website (except for sites on Windows servers)
· The following faculty websites: Schulich, Science, LA&PS, Education, Health, Graduate Studies

However, the following systems are not available:
· Mymail/Central Mail
· Any service requiring a Passport York login, including: Moodle, HR, Finance, SIS systems (but excluding Office 365)
· Internal drives (including FAS)

UIT staff are working hard and as quickly as possible to ensure that all system functionality can be restored as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this service interruption.

We recognize and understand this is disruptive for our community and may be upsetting, particularly as we are still in the midst of responding to the significant impact of the pandemic on University operations. We would ask for your continued patience and understanding as we work as quickly as possible to return York’s computer systems to full operational status.

We will continue to share additional information through community-wide update and on our social media channels as it becomes available.

Donald Ipperciel
Chief Information Officer
York University