Centre for Sexual Violence Response, Support and Education
The Centre reaffirms the University’s longstanding commitment to foster a culture where attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate sexual violence are rejected, survivors are supported, and those who are found to have committed sexual violence are held accountable.

Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion (CHREI)
York University’s CHREI strives to be a leader in providing accessible, impartial, non-adversarial, and confidential programs and services that uphold human rights, facilitate equitable access to opportunities, and champion diversity and inclusion.

University Information Technology (UIT)
UIT provides leadership in information technology direction, planning, policy development and integrated service delivery for York.

Health, Safety & Employee Well-Being (HSEWB)
HSEWB promotes a holistic approach to creating a safe and healthy workplace and an organizational culture that promotes prevention, early intervention, support, and overall well-being.

Office of Student Community Relations (OSCR)
OSCR supports all students by providing advice, referrals, training, alternate dispute resolution methods, judicial processes (local adjudication, tribunals), and critical incident support.

Student Accessibility Services
York's Student Accessibility Services provides individual academic accommodations for students with permanent or temporary disabilities.

Student Counselling Health & Well-being (SCHW)
SCHW provides a range of health and well-being services that foster academic success, student development and an engaged community at York University.
Health Services Links

Toronto Community Crisis Service (TCCS)
TCCS provides free, confidential, in-person mental health supports from mobile crisis worker teams. TCCS supports Toronto residents 16 years of age or older and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Good2Talk- a free 24/7 service for online mental health resources for post-secondary students in Ontario.

Youth Association for Academics, Athletics, and Character Education (YAAACE)
YAAACE is a Black-led, Black-focused, and Black-serving organization providing culturally reflective programs and services to mitigate the opportunity gap for racialized and under-resourced communities.