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A community-centric approach to safety

We take a holistic and intersectional approach to safety that reflects the diverse experiences of members of our community.  We are committed to working proactively with the York community to build safe and inclusive campuses. Each of us can – and should – play a role.


York University is a welcoming, inclusive and safe community in which to study, teach, live, work and visit.


The Community Safety Department is committed to fostering effective approaches to safety by working collaboratively with students, staff, and faculty to promote active participation and contribution to safety on York’s campuses.


The Community Safety Department is guided by York University’s values of inclusivity and diversity, social justice and equity, progressiveness, excellence and sustainability.

Formal acknowledgement of racism in law enforcement

Between June and September 2020, York University’s leadership met with over 120 members of Black communities at the University, including students, faculty and staff.

During the course of these meetings, many experiences were shared, including lack of personal and emotional safety, daily experiences of racial harassment, exclusion, discrimination, lack of representation, lack of respect and barriers to academic and career advancement. Students spoke about not seeing themselves reflected in the faculty, instructors, staff, administration or the curriculum; racial profiling and surveillance while on campus; and lack of support. Suggestions on how to reduce systemic barriers and create greater inclusion were also shared. The suggestions led to a year-long formal review of York Security Services. 

We appreciate the sharing of these experiences and acknowledge the impact they have had on Black, Indigenous and other racialized, students, faculty, staff, and community members across our campuses. We also acknowledge that the impact of over-policing extends beyond campus boundaries and can disproportionately affect racialized communities in their daily lives.

In addition, we recognize the critical need to confront the broader societal challenges that contribute to the negative experiences faced by Black students, faculty, staff, and community members.

We are committed to engaging in ongoing conversations and initiatives aimed at dismantling systemic racism within our security services and police practices. This includes actively working towards fostering a culture that prioritizes community well-being, inclusivity, and justice, with a firm commitment to accountability, ensuring that individuals are held responsible for their actions.

We intend to move forward with implementation of all recommendations to guide us in pursuit of this goal. We are also looking ahead to redefine the relationship between York Security Services (YSS) and all of York’s community members, using a community-centric model for safety. This work will create a culture shift and entails collaboration with community members to collectively develop policies and procedures that equitably and respectfully prioritize the safety and dignity of every individual. Through this work, we aim to build a campus environment that is free from discrimination, where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported.

As part of our commitment to transparency, we will actively work to address and rectify any instances of racial profiling within our operations. This includes ensuring prevention of racial profiling in use of force, arrest, and search activities, as referenced in the report.

We also recognize the significance of continuous education and training for security officials to ensure an understanding of the diverse perspectives and experiences present within the community they serve. This includes regular training to ensure officials confront and address their implicit biases, have strong cultural competence, and actively strive to establish a safer and more inclusive environment.

Going forward, we pledge to collaborate closely with community members who are most affected, ensuring transparency in our operations. Through continued implementation of the recommendations from the Security Services Review, it is our intent to actively contribute to the development of a more inclusive future for community safety at York University.

Share your feedback

Building a safe community is an ongoing endeavour. If you have feedback on our services and how we can better respond to emerging safety and security concerns, reach out to us.